Saturday, November 8, 2008

This module has taught me a lot about the essential communication skills and writing skills that I will need to have in order to do well and be successful in the future. Blogging every now and then let me practice my writing skills and also promote interaction between friends through giving and replying their feedbacks.

I have learnt to be more sensitive to other communication ques other than facial expressions when chatting with my friends. This helps me in a way to understand how others are feeling and also helps to prevent quarrels or fights. It leads to better relationship over time as well.

I took this module mainly because I wanted to learn to write better resume and cover letter. I am graduating this semester so this module is beneficial for me as I will have to write resume and cover letter in the process of finding a job.

Time flies and this module is coming to an end soon, I would like to thanks everyone for making this module so enjoyable. I really have a great time taking this module this semester.

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